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Showing posts from June, 2018

The Notebook

The Notebook written by: Nicholas Sparks Genre(s): romance and fiction Rate: 5/10 About the book: Noah and Allie were madly in love back when they were younger but grew apart over the years. When Allie is about to get married to someone else she finds Noah again and there love deepens. What will she do about her engagement? Will her and Noah end up together after finding out they are meant to be? Why I didn't like the book: The narrative was very badly switched, I didn't know who was talking for most the time. It switched between different times of their lives without notice, I didn't know if it was past or present. The movie made better sense then the book. It might be easier reading the book now knowing that it switches between times in their lives. Fun facts: Ryan Gosling got the role as Noah because he "wasn't handsome". The movie was filmed in reverse. Nicholas Sparks has published 20 romance novels. If you want to get this book here is a

The Siren

The Siren written by: Kiera Cass Genre(s): fantasy, fiction, and young adult Rate: 9/10 About the book: Kahlen is a young girl who is saved by the ocean after the boat she was on was destroyed. She then becomes a siren and is bound to serve the ocean for 90 years. After she has served her time, she can be set free and live a normal life forgetting about the time she was a siren. However, there are rules to her sentence as a siren and if she breaks them more time will be added. When she finds the love of her life, she breaks a rule. The ocean favors her the most out of all the sirens, so will she get time added or will the ocean set her free? Why I liked the book: The conflict was very well centered through out the whole book, things were added to the conflict that were reasonable making the book more of a page turner. The rules were simple and easy to follow. It gave a different point of view on sirens that I liked a lot, made them seem more human. A great sisterly bond that mad