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Showing posts from March, 2019

Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park written by: Rainbow Rowell Genre(s): romance, young adult, fiction Rate: 7/10 About the book: Eleanor has a very bad home life because her stepdad is abusing her mother and her family is extremely poor. Park is the beacon of hope, through his actions he shows a profound love for her no matter how hard she is to deal with sometimes. Why I didn't like the book: Eleanor was such a dramatic person through out the whole book no matter what happened or how good things were going for her. I liked how the narrative switched so it was easier to understand and know what both Park and Eleanor were thinking. The love story was really good but certain actions the two did through out the book were ridiculous and not in the best way. I didn't like the ending, maybe it was simply because my hopes were too high. Fun facts: Rainbow Rowell says there is potential for a sequel. She spent eight years writing her first book. If you want to buy this book here is a lin

Dear Evan Hansen

Dear Evan Hansen written by: Val Emmich, Steven Levenson, Benjpasek Paul, and Justin Paul Genre(s): Broadway, fiction, and romance Rate: 8/10 About the book: Evan Hansen struggles with his social life as it is and when his note he wrote to himself falls in the wrong hands he runs into more problems. Everyone now believes he is friends with Connor, a boy who took his life with Evan's note in his pocket. He decides to go with the lies everyone has assumed about him, but will the truth eventually catch up to him? Why I liked the book: Evan isn't special in anyway yet he made such a big difference in millions of peoples lives. " Dear Evan Hansen " helps us better understand the way some people think. I was bored and started reading it, I couldn't put it down after that. It was really simple and had an astonishing story line. Each page just made me never want to stop reading. Fun facts: This was originally a play starring Ben Platt as Evan Hansen. I never h


Outliers written by: Malcolm Gladwell Genre(s): self help and non-fiction Rate: 9/10 About the book: This book explains how outliers come about and how we can put in effort to make more outliers. He argues we need to give others more opportunities to become successful while giving advice on how to become an outlier. Why I liked this book: Every chapter had a unique story with interesting facts that related to a point he was making. Because the stories were so interesting it made you want to share them with others which started conversation and lead to a discussion. He used a lot of rhetorical questions which helped the thinking process. The book built upon itself, started out with the basics to get an understanding then with each chapter added more making it a very compelling read. You can get a lot out of this book, it's definitely engaging and never dull. Fun facts: Gladwell has sold five books and four of them have become instant best sellers. The most talked about s