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Showing posts from May, 2019

Five Feet Apart

Five Feet Apart  Written by: Rachael Lippincott, Mikki Daughtry, & Tobias Iaconis Genre(s): Young adult, romance, and fiction Rate: 9.5/10 About the book: Stella is the type of girl who always stick to the plan/rules to matter what however, a new boy named Will shows up at the hospital with the same illness she has. Due to their illness called cystic fibrosis they aren't allowed to get closer than six feet from each other. Once Will and Stella start talking will it be game over or will they keep their distance? Can you ever truly love someone without touching them?  Why I liked the book: This book is amazing, it shares an amazing message and brings awareness about the real disease which is called cystic fibrosis. Stella is a great person and it's inspiring to see how someone like her can have such a big affect on everyone in the story. The relationships and connections within this book are meaningful in a more deeper level then any of the other books out ther