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Showing posts from June, 2021

Hate List

  Hate List Published in 2009 400 pages Written by Jennifer Brown Rate 9/10 My summary of Hate List     After Gravin High witnesses a tragic school shooting, many students are troubled with horrendous amounts of trauma. Valerie is one of those students; she not only has trauma from the shooting but she is being bombarded with backlash from her community because of the fact that her (ex)boyfriend was the shooter. Many community members blame Valerie for making the list Nick (ex-boyfriend/shooter) used to pick who to shoot. This is a story about the aftermath of a school shooting, but it does give news reports of the shooting. My opinion on Hate List     Going into this book I thought it was going to share a story about a school shooting. What I was not expecting it to be about was a girl struggling to cope with an extremely tragic event. I didn't realize that a person could write a 400-page book about how someone could cope with the loss of community. I feel like not a lot of people