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Showing posts from October, 2021

That's NOT What Happened

  That's Not What Happened Published in 2018 325 pages Written by Kody Keplinger Rate 9/10 My summary of That's Not What Happened     After a horrendous school shooting, a rumor about what really happened to Sarah spreads like wildfire. Lee, Sarah's best friend, not only has to deal with the trauma from the shooting, but with the lies that follow her best friend's 'noble' death. After three years, the survivors still keep in touch, aside from one, Kellie, the girl who tried to share the truth about Sarah's death. Lee was too nervous to say anything about what really happened and back Kellie up then, will the truth ever reach the surface, and if it does, will anybody listen? My opinion on That's Not What Happened     When I read the book cover, I thought only six people survived the shooting and that's why I was initially intrigued, soon after, I found out I misread what "survivor" meant. The six survivors were the people who were in the sam