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Gathering Blue

  Gathering Blue Written by Lois Lowry Originally published in 2000 215 pages Rate: 7/10 My summary of Gathering Blue     Kira is a cripple who lives in a village where every person defends for themselves. Typically, if a person isn't born 'perfect' or if they face any major injures they are left for dead. Kira was an exception, because of her grandfather's status at the time. There is a sort of government that intervenes if hostile fights break out and such, but they mostly leave the village alone aside from the Gathering ceremony that takes place once every year.      Kira is orphaned at the beginning of the book after her father died from beasts and she watches her mother die from sickness in the Field of Leaving. Now that no one is around to stick their neck out for her life, she tries proving herself useful by creating intricate fabric designs. However, once villagers die, the village burns the person's houses down. Kira plans to rebuild, but a mother threatens