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Showing posts from February, 2022


  Messenger Written by Lois Lowry Originally published in 2004 169 pages Rate: 8/10 My summary of Messenger     Matty comes from a family that never really knew how to take care of each other. So after discovering a secret village, he decides to stay and live with one of his friend's parents. In this new village he learns how to take care of himself and others. This village is not like other places, it's more welcoming and people look out for one another. That is until people become fixated on the trading market. People look different after they make a trade, they start to act differently too. Matty notices the change and seeks help from the Leader and the Seer of the village.     The villagers want to close off entry to everyone because they are concerned about supplies. However, Seer's daughter is in another village and he won't be able to hear from her ever again if this happens. Matty is sent out to deliver the message of the closing village to everyone, however, th