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Radio Silence

  Radio Silence Written by Alice Oseman Originally published in 2016 About 474 pages Rate 9/10 My summary of Radio Silence One night when Frances is hanging out with her best friend Carys, they kiss and Carys gets very mad about it. The next day, Carys disappears. It's been a few years now and Frances still thinks about Carys daily. However, Frances has become very academically inclined, top of her class, head girl, and for the most part, it's been fulfilling. Frances fills her time with stressful schoolwork, drawing fan art for her favorite podcast with an anonymous host,  and occasionally spending some time with her friends. One day she get's a Twitter message from the host of the podcast about making art for the episodes and soon discovers it's someone she knows. My thoughts on Radio Silence I think this is a perfect book to read for everyone of the same age group as the main characters and maybe even beyond that. During this time of our lives, we rely on what we bui