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Showing posts from September, 2022

Chloe Doe

  Chloe Doe Written by Suzanne Phillips Originally published in 2008 About 190 pages Rate 5/5 My summary of Chloe Doe Chloe is a sex worker, but she didn't turn to this life for fun, it was seemingly the only option for her at the time. After a few years being on the streets and being caught by the police several times, she gets sent to a rehabilitation center. Chloe wants to get better, but the troubles from her past keep her in a choke hold. Her mother knew about the things her husband did to Chloe's sister, and stayed with him anyways. The person Chloe once was before the accident seems unreachable. However, as she talks with the therapist at the rehabilitation center, she begins to finally piece things back together, things she'd long forgotten. My thoughts on Chloe Doe This was such an emotional story, it felt real, it was raw, it was a new perspective. There were a few moments in the story that were so wicked I had to pause because of how repulsed I was. However, this