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Showing posts from March, 2023

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Written by Stephen King About 260 pages (mass market paper back ed.) Originally published in 1999 Rate: 5/5 This is the first book I have read where a girl goes out into the wilderness and has to learn how to fend for herself. It was incredible to read about because it felt so realistic, and yet very mystical. This was a very digestible read compared to Stephen King's other works I have read so far. I can count on one hand the number of times I have watched a baseball game. Yet, I wasn't lost reading this book (lol poor choice of words, sorry Trisha). From what I researched, Tom Gordon is a legit baseball player, here he is... Tom Gordon What is  The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon about? Trisha, her older brother, whose name is Pete, and their mom go out on a hike for fun. Trisha's parents had recently gotten a divorce at this point. Despite Trisha enjoying time with her mom, she's ultimately a daddy's girl. Trisha loves everything her dad

Rose Madder

Rose Madder Written by Stephen King About 420 pages Originally published in 1995 Rate: Did not finish; maybe a 2/5 I have never really had to put a book down because of how intensely graphic it was until I read this book. Even though this was required reading, I will not be finishing this book. I got more than half way into this book, so I figured I would write up a little review from my limited knowledge about it. "Rose Madder" painting What is Rose Madder about? Rosie Daniels has been married to an abusive corrupt cop for over 14 years. Nine years after Norman, Rosie's husband, causes Rosie to have a miscarriage (by repeatedly punching her stomach) she sees a drop of blood that causes her to stop disassociating. Once Norman is at work, she runs away and tries to get as far away from him as she can. But, he's a cop... My thoughts on Rose Madder The first bit of the book was full of intensely graphic abuse, then a bit of terror. The bit next was vile, but also hopefu

Fairy Tale

  Fairy Tale   Written by Stephen King About 600 pages Originally published in 2022 Rate 4/5 This is the first fantasy book I read by Stephen King, unless you want to count Insomnia. Stephen King is excellent at world-building, as I have mentioned before, so this book was very easy to comprehend. This was a good book. What is Fairy Tale about? Charlie Reade is a 17-year-old boy who happens to be riding on his bike when his spooky neighbor Howard Bowditch falls off his ladder. Because of Mr. Bowditch's dog, Radar, Charlie was able to help Mr. Bowditch because he heard her barking. After a bit of time in the hospital, Charlie helps Mr. Bowditch's recover at home. However, after Mr. Bowditch asks Charlie to help pay off his medical bills with little gold pallets Charlie starts to wonder who this guy really is.  My thoughts on Fairy Tale I have never completely read a fantasy book before; I tend to avoid them because of how difficult it is to visualize the creatures and the plac