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Showing posts from May, 2023

The Great Gatsby

  The Great Gatsby Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald Originally published in 1925 Rate 5/5 This is the second time I have read this book. The first time I read this book I was in 9th grade. If I remember right, I watched the 2013 movie with my friends and then I found out it was a book and read it for fun. It was a difficult read for me back then because I was just barely getting into reading. This time around, it was incredible. The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite stories because even though it's so short, the story is so profound. What is The Great Gatsby about? The Great Gatsby is about the battle between American social classes; the struggle to remain important in a world that is in constant need of something new to look at. All the characters are living within the upper class confines, but they all view their truths in different ways. My thoughts on The Great Gatsby Now that I am five years older, I can see more details compared to teenager me. This is an even more brillian