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Showing posts from November, 2023


  Divergent Written by Veronica Roth Originally published in 2011 ~490 pages Rate: 4.5/5 My summary of Divergent Tris lives in a society where people are organized into communities called factions based off their personalities. Originally, when the people were organized into these factions, it was because of what they blamed the war on. There are five factions, six if you include the seemingly rare other personality that Tris is. This is why Tris' life is in danger, because some people deem what she is as dangerous to society, because she doesn't just have one personality trait she is considered to be divergent. My thoughts on Divergent This was a super easy and engaging read for me, however, it did feel like a whole lot of breadcrumbs when it came to the romance scenes. The romance was kind of fun and sexy, but I personally enjoy more friendly vibes first rather than just instantly serious. The action element was good; the small fights and initiation built up anticipation to t

Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined

  Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined Written by Stephenie Meyer Originally published in 2015 About 390 pages Rate 4/5 I have a hard time justifying rereading a book, though I have done it once before with The Great Gatsby . So that's why I think reading this alternate version of Twilight was worthwhile. I wanted to reread Twilight, I still could, but reading Life and Death sufficed. I really enjoyed the Twilight saga, it remains one of the only book series I have completed aside from The Hunger Game s . The character's personalities mostly remain the same, their genders are just swapped. Reading Twilight with the genders being reversed wasn't astonishing, however, the last couple of chapters differ from the original plot of the story and that was intriguing. This alternate ending with Beau was distressing compared to the way things played out for Bella in the original story.  In reality, I think the only people who might enjoy this book would be people who want to reread

The Alchemist

  The Alchemist Written by Paulo Coelho Originally published in 1988 About 170 pages Rate: 5/5 I am currently taking my last 12 credits of my bachelor's degree; I have less than a month left before I graduate with my bachelor's in communication with a minor in writing studies. The Alchemist was a book on my communication capstone's recommended/required reading list. Given the fact I am so close to graduating, The Alchemist ended up being a good choice.  As I near the end of my degree, I think it's important to reminisce about the things I have experienced because it has brought me to where I am today.  Throughout my time in college and university I have had the privilege of meeting some of the most thoughtful, caring, and sentimental individuals. It's incredible how much we feel at such a young age with so little experience. I have watched people fall in love, slowly and intentionally. I have seen people break up and experience heart break and longing for the first